Monday, March 26, 2007

start of the week

guess i was having a taste of bad luck this morning. it rained while i was walking to school. but the moment i saw my school gates (not like its damn big) , i thought i'm saved from the rain. no wet uniform , no nipples seen. BUT BUT mr marcel lee just didnt pay the full price for the shelter. fuckin shelter just covered half of me and it didnt help when there was the wind blowing. so guess what. i got drenched in the end. fuckin "shelter".

i was looking forward to go for history class because of mr jeffery chan and the way his pronounce his words. its like he has a 5mm tongue or something. blind is brind , government is garment , reliability is reliality , typicality is typcaty. what a jackass. but he chose to be absent so we had free period. watched stupid world war 2 videos. black and white. mann those people in the past sure didnt enjoy colour tv. the rest of the day was rather stoned. slept during dnt lesson , i swear its boring learning about structures. i dont see why its so important to learn that. not like we are future construction workers.

got home. did my work. had a good dinnner. mum saved some great salad for me. gee the joy of salad. yes yes all you people will be thinking WTF?! star world pangs seh me , they didnt screen prison break at 9pm. their schedules are so not fixed. stupid star world. felt like crap when the 9pm show was seinfield. who the fuck watches seinfield. its a brainless show with unglam fags. so no prison break means study time till 10pm. after hours was pretty good just that its half an hour! caught the remaining 40mins of red dragon. the dude shot himself with a shot gun and he had to shoot his face. got his face fucked big time. schools starting late tomorrow which means more sleep! schools gonna be a bitch again.

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